Letranimal Jurassik Combo | M Magnus Letranimal Jurassik Combo | M Magnus
  • Letranimal Jurassik Combo | M Magnus
  • Letranimal Jurassik Combo | M Magnus
  • Letranimal Jurassik Combo | M Magnus

Letranimal Jurassik Combo | M Magnus

Letranimal Jurassik Combo
  • Letranimal Jurassik Combo is a collection of robot letters that transform into animals.
  • Each letter is transformed into a powerful Letranimal Jurassik, prehistoric animals ready to fight.
  • In each bag you will find a Letranimal Jurassik + his Card + the Check List.
  • The card is very nice and durable, shiny plastic.
  • Jurassik Letranimal are composed in 6 Big Robot Combos.

NB: Some parts can be detached, being a system designed to avoid breakage that also signals the wrong movement of the user. We invite you to view our tutorials to help you with assembly.

Adeguatezza di età per Letranimal Jurassik Combo

Letranimal Jurassik Combo vanno bene per qualsiasi fascia di età, ma è IDEALE per questa fascia di età. Si prega di acquistare a propria discrezione se il bambino ha meno di 4 anni.

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