Letrabots Combo Big Robot ZUR | R Rambot Letrabots Combo Big Robot ZUR | R Rambot
  • Letrabots Combo Big Robot ZUR | R Rambot
  • Letrabots Combo Big Robot ZUR | R Rambot
  • Letrabots Combo Big Robot ZUR | R Rambot

Letrabots Combo Big Robot ZUR | R Rambot

Letrabots Combo Big Robot ZUR
4,99 €

Rambot is the Letrabot behind the letter R.

Its white edges turn white when it exposed to the sunlight!
Combine it with At, Sigma, Thunderbot, Ufo, Vegatron, Warmachine, Xantor, Yeti and Zombot to create the Big Robot ZUR 16 cm high.

Each Letrabots has its own playing card. Challenge your friends to the newest card game!
The card is very nice and durable, shiny plastic.
In the bottom right corner you will find a drawing indicating where this Letrabot should be placed to complete the Big Robot ZUR.

* Images are purely for illustrative purposes: colors may vary compared to the image.


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Big Robot ZUR
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